b GliderScore


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eScoring - Other Options

In this section

  • Reset scores to zero
  • Remove competition from server.
  • Open / Close (online scoring)
  • Backup / Restore (online scores)
  • Create a link.
  • Pilot List with eScoring URL (QR Code String)

Reset Scores to Zero

Resets score values to zero from and including a selected
round and group.
This can be for the whole competition.

The reset happens optionally with -
- the on-line database
- the local database
- both databases

Using this process, you can allow all pilots to practice
on-line score entry before a competition. Then, before
the competition begins, make all scores zero in readiness
for entering the real scores.

The process can also be used, particularly at competitions
that run for more than one day, to clear scores from a
particular round and group to the end of the competition.
This may be needed if pilots enter scores overnight by mistake.

Remove Competition from server.

Use this to remove all traces of the competition from the server.

Open / Close (online scoring)
Allows control of exactly when pilots can and cannot enter scores.

  • Close online scoring at the end of the day's flying.
  • Open online scoring at the start of the next day's flying.

When clicked, allows score entry by mobile 'phone to proceed as normal.
Internet connection required.

When clicked, prevents score entry by mobile 'phone.
Internet connection required.

Backup / Restore (online scores)

Create a backup copy of ALL score data for the competition.
If there is a pre-existing backup, you
will be asked to confirm before overwriting it.

Backup data can be restored to the main data table at any time.
All data in the main data table will be replaced with the backup data.

Create Link

Use this to generate a link that you can share via email or the web.
The link, when clicked, will open up your competition on-line without having to find it using the drop down list.
Links can be generated to go to the on-line Flight scores or the on-line Results.

Pilot List with eScoring URL (QR Code String)

A full list of pilots in the competition and their eScoring URLs is available from the Reports Menu.
Reports → Pilot Reports → Pilot Master File.
With this report you can select to print or download the eScoring URL (QR Code String) as shown below.

Report Selections

Report Output